Saturday, February 3, 2007


離開舒適空間(comfort zone)的過程可以是很漫長的。
用中文打這篇"about this blog"花上的時間足以煲個靚湯,說得準確一點--足以熬一個靚牛/豬/鯊魚骨湯底。

幸好有yahoo字典的「提水」和九方王子的幫忙。軟件更新過後,速度有明顯改善!but there are times when i would just take the easy way out, i'm sure=) tee hee hee!

echoing nicole-- 「我還是害怕長大」 =p


Patrick Kwok said...

very beautiful, I like it.

mydadrich said...

Oh, I'm touched. Tien is blogging about parenting. 重咁有紋有路! 真係感動到唔知講mud好!

JOSH-WA! said...

嘩, 家姐可以打到咁多中文嘅. 我發覺家姐一係唔煲湯, 煲嘅時后就實好味!! 睇嚟我都要bookmark咗奇摩字典, 返嚟呢道學吓睇中文lu.

tien said...

heehee=) very funny, you guys *rolling my eyes*

and what's with this 有紋有路 phrase? dad uses it a lot... right, josh? and he probably got it from grandma, cuz grandma likes saying that too!

littlenic said...

sweet! it's funny how we thought about starting a blog simultaneously. =P i've forwarded the link to 碧姨姨 (since she asked about you guys)


JOSH-WA! said...

你的紋字... 為什麼還沒有?

Holly Ming said...

努力啊天姐!努力打中文和不要放棄這個blog...= )
You can install Chinese pinyin with Windows Chinese input... I use that. not bad at all.

Anonymous said...


tien said...

i miss you, 3guje=) the translating on this blog is so un-professionally done and i kept thinking-- oh, only if 3guje was here! tee hee=) and just fyi, you're on the "must-interview" list if i decide to begin on my research-- cuz i just LOVE your children!!!

and josh-- i don't talk because i need to talk, i talk when i have something to say *wink* 而且,這不是個報紙專欄,我也不是一個專業作家。加上我有一個親愛的弟弟--他不但轉寄了一些很長的電郵給我,又提意我到這裡到那裡做些網上NLP研究…人腦只得一個,教我怎樣應付得來呢?!

charwong said...

wa.. should read this and get prepared to be a mum...

dalaob said...
