近年坊間流行各式各樣的親子講座 (parenting workshop) -- 多元智能、情緒智商、認識潮流文化、共享讀書樂、如何加強親子溝通、如何面對逆境、如何激發子女的學習動機、如何教導孩子正確認識和使用金錢、如何培養子女掌握成功和快樂人生、如何培養孩子口齒伶俐、如何令孩子更聰明…等等 -- 林林種種,任君選擇。雖然對parenting很有興趣,但花多眼亂,而且在港生活的節奏急促,不能不講究一點的去「揀講員」來聽。
一月份時看到有親子講座的宣傳,初到貴境,也希望增廣見聞,感受一下加拿大家長們所面對的處境。主題名為 --「東匯西:教育子女何去何從」(Raising responsible kids in a multicultural context); 心想太好了 -- 在教養孩童這個課題裡,responsible 跟 multicultural 這兩個元素太值得我們探討了!
誰不知當晚的對象大都是青少年父母,而重點亦多放在建立孩子的「自信、自尊、自主 」上…… 對,那是很基本的要求。但之後呢?有了「自信、自尊、自主 」之後又怎麼樣?難道我們的世界還缺乏了「自我中心」的人嗎?自立是非常重要,但追求自立又為了什麼呢?在這個趨向個人主義的社會裡,可以從 inter-independence 作為出發點,在家庭教育的層面著手嘗試一起去解答人和世界的問題嗎…可以更實際地裝備我們的孩子去面對未來嗎…
過了個多月,再次看到親子講座的宣傳;這次的主題名為 -- 'Raising self-reliant kids in a self indulgent world' (在自我放縱世界中培育自力更新孩童)。 嘩,不就是我一直希望作資料搜集的方向嗎?今次的講員Dr. Mark Davies是 Regent College & Carey Theological College 的教授,聽聞是婚姻及家庭方面的專家。心裡雖然感到興奮,但也不禁指醒自己,不要單對一個講座的題目存太大的期望。
當天早上的講座一開始,Dr. Davies便簡單直接的給parenting下定義--
論點: The #1 goal of parenting is to get rid of your children
原因: 一個不依賴、懂得自處和對生命負責的人自然就能為身處的地方帶來貢獻
哈哈!聽後立即對這個講座充滿期待 --來了真好,沒有比 'being at the right place, at the right time' 更讓人心曠神怡的事了!而講座完畢後,也就滿足地帶著一堆新鮮的問號和一個受到鼓舞的心歸家去 =)
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以下是當日講座提及過其他非常值得參考的論點,有興趣的話私底下再作討論。tee hee,免得又有「好」朋友說tien在blog裡寫論文 =p
~ undisciplined discipline is never discipline
~ over-protecting & over-parenting --> over-socialize --> underlying message we're sending: 'kid, you can't make it on your own!'
~ our children are under-challenged today
~ always link freedom with responsibility & tie self-esteem to reality
~ consistency is the key, no matter how permissive or controlling the parenting style is
~ (a comfort to parents with difficult teenage-children) research shows that 80% of the kids return to their parents' values when they turn 25
~ narcissism--> teens are obsessed about who they are because they don't know who they are yet
~ when relationship base is weak --> fight for power
~ pick your battles wisely
~ god did not give your child all the characteristics s/he needs to become a perfect person, so relax! because there are no perfect parents either=)
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oh, I missed both!! Let me know when you come across other parenting seminars in the future =)
sorry, charis... i had the impression that you would be rather occupied with church matters over the weekends! actually there is another parenting seminar coming up, but it's quite close to your due date and they ask people to pre-order tickets too... so i don't know if they would have space if people decide to do drop-in... i'll make sure i take good notes then, k? well, if they have something good to offer, that is=)
and here's more information if you know of other people who might be interested--
Focus on the Family Parenting Matters Tour
Friday, April 20th, 2007
7:00 pm - 9:45 pm
Evangelical Chinese Bible Church
Burnaby, British Columbia
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